There is increasing pressure on fresh water around the world, and we are committed to both reducing our overall water consumption and looking for ways to reuse water multiple times.
Our target is to reduce our water consumption by 10% by 2030.
We are aiming to reduce our mains water use by 10% by 2030.
As a business with swimming at the core of our offering, we are very conscious of our water consumption and we work hard to make savings wherever we can, focusing on the principles of reusing and recycling water.
Figure 1 shows total water consumption for our UK and Ireland operations.
Figure 2 shows total water consumption for our UK operations and monitors progress against our 2030 target.
The chart shows the amount of water used in our UK and Ireland operations in m3. There is a large dip in FY21 (attributed to the impact of closures due to the pandemic). The figures for our UK operations increased from FY21 to FY23, when the FY20 baseline was surpassed. However, they have reduced to below the baseline in FY24. The figures for Ireland operations have continued to increase and surpassed the baseline figure in FY22, FY23 and FY24.
The chart shows the amount of water used in our UK operations in m3. There is a trend line from FY20 to FY30 showing that a reduction of 148,532 m3 is required to meet our FY30 target. There is a noticeable reduction in FY21 (attributed to the impact of closures due to the pandemic) before increasing to a point above the target line in FY23, then dropping down to close to the target line in FY24.