Modern Slavery Statement

A close up of plants in the forest


We have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that there is no modern slavery, human trafficking or unlawful child labour in any part of our business or supply chain. 

We have laid out a framework of policies and processes to ensure we are fulfilling our responsibilities, which includes: 

  • Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. All relevant colleagues undertake annual training and certify their compliance with this Code.
  • Our Ethical Trading Policy, which aims to ensure that ethical standards are embedded into our business and our supply chain. We aim to work with UK and international suppliers who treat their obligations towards modern slavery and human trafficking with the same importance that we do.
  • A Whistleblowing Policy, supported by an independent Whistleblowing Hotline which is available to all colleagues, workers, suppliers, contractors and any other third party to raise any concerns they may have about employment conditions, modern slavery or wider issues. Calls to the confidential hotline are monitored and escalated as appropriate if further action is required. To date we have not received any calls related to modern slavery issues.
  • An Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy which all colleagues must adhere to. Suppliers are required to comply with anti-bribery laws as part of our Ethical Trading Policy and all relevant colleagues undertake annual training and certify their compliance with the policy.
  • A Diversity and Inclusion Policy which embeds our commitment to ensuring all colleagues, suppliers and members of the public are treated fairly and with dignity and respect at all times.
  • A risk training programme which is undertaken by all of our colleagues and includes details about modern slavery and human trafficking. The training covers the signs to look out for and reminds our colleagues that they have access to the independent Whistleblowing Hotline, should they have any concerns. 
  • A Supplier Registration System which captures any products sourced from high-risk countries. High-risk suppliers are monitored to ensure that their working practices are compliant and are required to annually certify compliance with our Ethical Trading Policy. 

Modern slavery statement 2023

Modern slavery statement 2022

Modern slavery statement 2021

Modern slavery statement 2020

Modern slavery statement 2019

Modern slavery statement 2018

Modern slavery statement 2017

Modern slavery statement 2016